


What free stuff can I download from your site?
  • There is no charge to play a game in the game room.
  • Sito's Bajoran Center is parked here, and has a page of free downloads.
  • We have a page of Microsoft Agent "Talking head" characters for use with DeskSet.
  • There are several ePubs created here, that are distributed free.
What services do you sell?
  • We are out of business, free advice and downloads remain
  • We no longer help you finish your design layout
  • We no longer build your breadboard/prototype for you
  • We no longer help you debug your controler code
  • We no longer proof-read your user manual (or other documents)
  • We no longer write your manual for you from your notes
  • We no longer provide bespoke graphics for your packaging, manual or website
Why buy services instead of using a package like Dreamweaver, or some free tools from Nedwolf.com, to do it ourselves?
First, do you have the time and salary to develop the skills in-house?
Second, DreamWeaver may be the leader in easy to use packages, but it can only create average websites on auto-pilot; for a good or better site, you need skill
Finally, if you want too go that way, we provide a link to Nedwolf for any tools you might want.. What you buy from a developer is experience
Why can't we build the experience by putting up our site?
You don't want your customers (or the Googlebot) to see practice pages, you want a good site, fast.
Can we save expenses with advertizing, affiliate programs or free hosting?
If someone else has their ads on your site, they are running code on your pages that can prevent your code from working. It's a very bad idea.
What about a link to a great site, like yours to Nedwolf?
Links are not the same as advertizing code, It would not be a web without good links

Can2Can Uses ZoomSearch from Wrensoft


My Button NedWolf has Free tools Get your own LinkSleuth NotesPad with an s Antonin Foller's Motobit.com; Tips, Tools and downloads Firefox

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