Fruit of the Spirit
The Trial of Jesus
Where is the Truth
The central Christian narative hangs from the Trial and execution of Jesus: before this point the Jews are the Chosen People, after, their actions have so disappointed the Almighty that he rejects them and turns his favor on the new Gentile Christian Church. A truely puzling turn of events, the One who created time, and tells us our future, is disappointed in the outcome of His plan..
Let us first look at the standard positions of Christians and Jews on Holy Scripture
Christian doctrinal position
- The whole book, Genesis to Revelation, is Perfect
- The whole book, Genesis to Revelation, even in translation, is free of any error.
Jewish doctrinal position
- The Holy One dictated the Torah to Moses, even the comparative size of the letters has meaning
- The histories and recorded words of His Prophets is divinely inspired, but not as perfect as the Torah
- The Writings contain the works of Holy men, but they are not inspired by the Divine breath, and have errors.
- The Writings the Christians have added, their "New Testament", is full of errors
We have already considered the perfection of Torah, and can leave it for now.
What are the claims?
Christian position on the Execution of Jesus
- The Jewish Temple leadership considered Jesus a threat to their power
- The Romans had no motive for killing Jesus, before the Jews insisted
- Jesus said "Render to Caesar" (meaning to pay taxes) when questioned about taxes
- Jesus was betrayed by a Jew and captured by the Temple Authority
- Jesus was tried by the Sanhedrin, in the palatial house of the High Priest, the night after the Last Supper (durring Passover)
- All of the Sanhedrin wanted to kill him on the spot, but Roman law forbade it
- The Priests took him to Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea, and forced Pilate to condemn Jesus against Pilate's kindly feelings
Jewish position on the Trial of Jesus
- There were competing political parties on the Sanhedrin, they NEVER agreed on anything
- The Sanhedrin never met anywhere except Hall of Hewn Stone, certainly not in the house of a Roman bureaucrat serving in lieu of a High Priest
- The Sanhedrin never met at night
- The Sanhedrin met only on Mondays and Thursdays, but not if that Monday or Thursday was a holiday
- Any trial before the Sanhedrin required the town crier to go through the community seeking witnesses for the defense
- As described in the Christian writings, the proceedings violate every procedural rule, and require collusion of sworn enemies to do it
Significant other points
- There is no record of any trial of Jesus outside the gospels, but several sources are found for other trials near the supposed time
- Pilate was the military Prefect of Judea, not a civil Procurator
- The Legions under Pilate had a reputation for Crucifying captives without trial
- A close study of the "Render to Caesar" event brings out that the Roman coin shown the crowd would be a Drachma issued by Tiberius, bearing the claim that Tiberius was a deity worthy of worship - Caesar was in violation of the Commandment against making graven images and guilty of sacrilege - which, when combined with the reminder to render to the Lord God the things that belong to Him, make the true meaning
"Do not steal from God to give it to one worthy only of stoning"
In conclusion, the Jews had neither motive nor opportunity, the Romans had motive and opportunity, and the Catholic Church, centered in the Vatican, had both a strong motive to lie about it, and abundant opportunity to edit history.
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